Admissions Questions

  1. Do you accept all students who apply at your school?
  2. What must I do to enroll my child in Tuscaloosa Christian School?
  3. Is your school accredited?
  4. What are the sizes of classes?
  5. How does your curriculum compare with other schools?
  6. How do your students perform academically?
  7. Do all students take a Bible class?
  8. Do your students have difficulty transferring to other schools?
  9. If my child graduates from your school, will they be accepted at any college they choose?

Do you accept all students who apply at your school?

Tuscaloosa Christian School admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin. However, agreement with the Christian philosophy of TCS is required. Therefore, admission is limited to families in which at least one parent has professed faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, and who is a regular attendee to a Bible-believing church. Any exceptions must be determined by the administration. Although we would like to meet the educational needs of every student, Tuscaloosa Christian School is not equipped to help students in need of special education services. Therefore, students scoring below a certain level on entrance testing are not admitted. Students must have completed their previous semester with academic success in order to be considered for acceptance. Students are not accepted directly out of hospital or detention programs. Students who have been expelled from their previous school are not accepted.

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What must I do to enroll my child in Tuscaloosa Christian School?

  1. Completing an online application is the first step.
  2. An entrance exam must be completed by the prospective student.
  3. Records and questionnaires will be requested from the previous school.
  4. An interview with the administrator is conducted with the prospective student and his/her parents before admittance is granted.  All forms and entrance testing procedures must be completed prior to this interview. 
  5. The applicant’s previous educational achievement, patterns of behavior, and learning potential are considered as factors bearing upon whether a student will be accepted.
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Is your school accredited?

Tuscaloosa Christian School is accredited by Cognia (SACS), the world’s largest accrediting agency.

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What are the sizes of classes?

The student-to-teacher ratio at TCS is around 20 to 1. Kindergarten classes have 23 or fewer students, while the rest of the classes generally have 25 or fewer students. Within the orderly, disciplinary, and traditional academic structure of classes at Tuscaloosa Christian School, we believe that these class sizes allow for optimal teacher-student interaction.

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How does your curriculum compare with other schools?

At Tuscaloosa Christian School, it is believed that the true curriculum in the classroom is a reflection of the life of the teacher and that the teacher teaches what they live before teaching what is in the textbook. All of our teachers are men and women who love the Lord and desire to disciple others as they teach. Our teachers have college degrees and are professaionlly trained to provide a thorough scholastic training. In addition to the state certification that many of our teachers possess, our teachers are also certified by AACS. Textbooks used are primarily from A Beka and BJU Press; however, books from other publishers may be used in some specialty areas at the secondary level.

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How do your students perform academically?

IOWA Achievement Test is annually administered to students in grade K5-8. When compared to national norms, our students consistently score above national average.

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Do all students take a Bible class?

Yes! Bible class is an important part of the curriculum at Tuscaloosa Christian School. In the kindergarten and elementary grades, Bible classes begin each day. All students in the secondary grades are required to take a Bible course each semester at Tuscaloosa Christian School. Each Monday, the elementary and high school students have separate chapels that replace Bible class time. Spiritual emphasis is a huge part of the philosophy at TCS.

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Do your students have difficulty transferring to other schools?

Students who have done well at Tuscaloosa Christian School have not had any difficulty being accepted to or completing satisfactory work in other private or public schools.

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If my child graduates from your school, will they be accepted at any college they choose?

No high school can guarantee a student will receive college acceptance. Each college establishes its own entrance requirements. Colleges rely heavily upon a student’s grade point average in high school, scores on college entrance tests, and the selection of courses taken in high school. Students are advised to contact colleges they are interested in to determine requirements. Past TCS graduates have successfully attended Auburn University, Baptist Bible College, Bob Jones University, Boston University, Central Wesleyan, Colorado School of Mines, Covenant College, Faulkner University, Greenville College, Indiana Wesleyan University, Jacksonville State University, Lee University, Liberty University, Mercer University, Mississippi College, Mississippi State University, Pensacola Christian College, Sanford University, Shelton State Community College, Southern Wesleyan University, The Citadel, Trinity Baptist College, University of Alabama, University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Arkansas, University of Montevallo, University of North Alabama, and University of West Alabama as well as other Christian and state universities.

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